Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Fun Night Out

Seeing a movie with Lucy can be difficult since she often gets overwhelmed by the dark theater and how loud it is. Last time we took her she ended up going to the bathroom three times and spending the majority of the time climbing up and down the stairs. Sitting still and quiet through a movie is hard for a child with ADD and SPD. 

Luckily a new drive in theater opened near us last summer. It is a great way for families with small children or special needs children to go see a movie. There is no expectation that children will sit through a movie or be quiet. Since each vehicle is in charge of their own speaker you can make it as loud or quiet as needed. Lucy typically spends the first part of the movie playing in the grass next to our truck and then, when she gets tired, crawls into the back seat to sleep. 

Last Friday we saw Beauty and the Beast and then Jimmy and I watched the second movie which was Passengers. Beauty and the Beast was almost just like the cartoon version. It was very well done.

While waiting for it to get dark the girls climbed a tree and ran around the field next to the drive-in. 

Lucy found some orange acorns.

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